Online Shop or Apps
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Online Shop or App Legals

If you have an online shop or app, such as a standalone eCommerce store or Shopify or Squarespace store, you need well-drafted eCommerce Terms and policies to protect you from liability, as well as ensure compliance with the law.

Our team of experienced lawyers have assisted online shops of all sizes – from big retailers that launched an online store during COVID, to start-up eCommerce businesses. We can work with your IT development limitations and make suggestions about best structure to optimise your offering from a practical perspective.

Our Services for Online Shops and Apps

We provide a comprehensive range of tailored legal services for your online shop or app.

Our services include:

  • Website Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policies
  • Online Shopping Terms and Conditions
  • Online Subscription Terms and Conditions
  • Online Marketplace Agreement
  • Dropshipping Agreement
  • Consumer law compliance

We understand that in order to remain competitive, eCommerce businesses must stay ahead of the curve. That is why we offer cutting-edge legal solutions to assist you in navigating the ever-changing eCommerce landscape.

Apps and Mobile Apps

Most of the time, terms and conditions for website-based businesses are able to be used on web-based applications as well, such as web apps or a mobile apps with some tailoring.

However, keep in mind that if you have different user types (e.g. if customers order on your website but delivery drivers use your mobile app), then you may need separate terms and conditions for each type of user.

We can help you navigate these complexities – all you have to do is tell us about your business, and we can let you know what legal services you will need and help you prioritise them based on importance, if you are on a limited budget.

Schedule a consultation with us today to see how we can help you and your business.

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