Home / Fixed Fee Contract Reviews

Fixed Fee Contract Reviews

Getting legal help doesn’t have to be scary and costly. Your lawyer is meant to be on your side.

Here at The Legal Shop, we offer fixed fee contract reviews, which means you’ll never get bill-shock! No more frightening, never-ending hourly bills with us.

We’re highly experienced in reviewing all kinds of business contracts, including:

  • Commercial Leases
  • Retail Leases
  • Warehouse Leases
  • Supplier/Manufacturer Contracts
  • IT Developer or Platform Contracts
  • Website Terms & Conditions
  • eCommerce Terms and Conditions
  • Day-to-day Contracts

If your contract isn’t listed, send it through and we can let you know if it is something we can assist with.

How to get started

All you have to do is send through your contract either through our contact form or by email to [email protected], and ask for a quote and we’ll come back within 24 hours with our packages to suit your budget and legal needs.

Want to get started?

Contact us